Painting with Plant Based Paintings


Have you ever seen the beautiful paintings from Kat of Plant Based Paintings and wanted to know the inspiration behind them or where you can get one for yourself? Here she shares with you how plants inspire her as well as what she recommends for new painters and entrepreneurs and so much more! She also supports replanting the Amazon by donating a tree for every painting that sells over a specific amount! More oxygen for everyone! :).


You can find more of her stunning paintings on her website and as a fun note: for those that subscribe to her mailing list there is 10% off for life and there is a chance to win a free print every month! Plus, she does so much more than just paintings - you can find cards, prints and so much more!

You can also find her latest projects, behind the scenes and Etsy Biz tips and so much more on her Instagram Profile.

By Michele of VAMICreations and Kat of Plant Based Paintings

What gave you the idea/inspiration to start PlantBasedPaintings?

After my second daughter was born I really wanted to find a way of working from home and had no clue what to do, although I considered something relating to gardening as it was my main hobby.

One day I bought some picture frames and didn't like the generic picture inside, so decided to paint some succulents that were on my table. From that point I knew painting would be my new focus and I knew it was going to be about plants...Something just clicked!


How did you get started in painting?

I went into art education right from school and studied graphic design and fine art. While college was great, my university course was terrible and the tutors told us how hard, if not impossible it was to make a living from art. I quit, moved back home and ended up taking 3 jobs to pay my debts off. I honestly believed that it wasn't a viable career and didn't paint again for 16 years, although I became creative in other ways through interiors and gardening. Picking up those picture frames it suddenly became really clear that I should paint again as it brought me so much joy.

How do you choose the materials you work with?

I work with acrylics as I love the vibrancy of the colours and how quick they dry. My style always involves strong colour and thick black lines, so I am always on the look out for new pens! My current favourites are Posca and Sharpie as they go on so smoothly over paint.

How do you choose the paintings you create – ie is there something that you take inspiration from when you start a painting?


Nature is my muse always, and I try to take my inspiration from the season I am in. I am aiming to do a different collection or theme each month so last month was Tulip Festival, a celebration of tulips and the spring. I work better when I have a strict theme to work within, otherwise I can spend hours staring at an empty canvas!

What is your favorite type of painting to create (favorite plants to paint or colors to use)?

I think my blossom collection has been the most fun to create so far. It is such a hopeful time of year when the magnolias bloom and I used teal for the background in that whole set, which is my favourite colour.

What would you tell a new painter for encouragement?


Just start, just play. Let go of worry about it being perfect or being judged for it and enjoy the creative process. You can always paint over it if it sucks!

What is something you are passionate about and why?

I have always tried to support other artists and small businesses, I feel passionate about lifting others up. When I was starting out I asked other artists for help and advice and everyone was kind and supportive. I like to believe in the mentality that there is enough for everyone and I try and pay that forward as much as possible. I used to do a Sunday Share on my Instagram which evolved into @smallbiznet, a separate account where I share one maker/artist every week.

If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

As women, especially if we have children it can feel like we take care of everyone else before ourselves. My advice would be to carve out some time for yourself that is just yours. I went from working 40 hours a week in my job to being home all day with my babies and looking back I was quite depressed as my identity was wrapped up in my career. Painting made me feel like 'Kat' again, not just 'mummy'.


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

Not to worry about failure. I have had more failures than successes but I have learned to be grateful for them as it steers me towards a new and better path. The only failure is not trying. Be brave.

Fun question – if you could meet one person in history or present, who would it be and why?

The man, the legend, Bob Ross. His approach to life and art was wonderful, I feel like he had really figured it out.

What is your dream for PlantBasedPaintings to be (where do you see PlantBasedPaintings in 5+ years)?

I would love to get my work on more products like wallpaper, fabric and homewares. I am also converting my brick garden shed into an art studio. I hope by that time I will have a beautiful home studio and both kids will be at school full time, so things will be a little less chaotic. Living the dream!


Is there anything (message or topic) you would like to talk about that we did not ask about?

The two people who I feel give the best advice for anyone starting out are Mei Pak on Youtube and Gary Vee on Instagram. They give out so much free advice and it has really taught me alot, so I would recommend them to anyone.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Having to do homeschooling really hampered my progress, as I just couldn't get it all done and it was very stressful. The lockdowns have meant that my plan to get more work into the high street wasn't possible and also there is the mental health side of not seeing friends and family, which has been tough. I am lucky that my work is mainly purchased online so I was able to keep my business open throughout. I feel like I have been lucky compared to many but I am looking forward to hugging my mum again, not gonna lie!


What is something that has helped you get through, during this global pandemic?  Something that is encouraging or a positive thing for you?

I watched a podcast a few years ago about living in gratitude and being grateful for every little thing, water in your tap, air in your lungs. That has honestly changed my life in many positive ways. I meditate every day and that helps me remember that everything is temporary and puts it all in perspective. Finally I never, ever watch the news as I find it incredibly negative and draining. Sometimes the best thing you can do is turn off the tv, get outdoors and get grounded in the realness of nature. I live right near the sea and Dartmoor national park so I have lots of lovely places to walk around in.

Thank you for joining us for this interview with Plant Based Paintings and thank you for doing the interview with us!!! I’d love to hear from you about what you’ve gotten from Plant Based Paintings and showing your piece of art done by her! Please let me know by commenting below or sending me an email. I’d also love to hear from you about what types of resources you want more information on as well as Makers you would like to nominate for a Maker Feature/interview! Please email me or leave a comment on this article! Looking forward to hearing from you and have a great day!