Posts tagged DIY
The Ultimate List of 100 of the Most Talented Yarn Dyers on Instagram

Have you ever been exploring a forest emerald green, or hiked a frosted mountain snowy and breathtaking and wished you could capture those colors, to keep with you forever, dared to dream you could even wear them or sink deep into a soft blanket or sweater resplendent of these colors of your dreams and most treasured memories? That the essence of what these extremely talented yarn dyers have strived to create using their hands, wits, imaginations, and tools around them. And how they have succeeded!!

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Yarn Dyeing with HighFiberArtz

Have you ever wondered about what resources are out there for you as a yarn dyer or maker using yarn - crocheter, knitter, weaver, spinner, yarn dyer, etc? I’ll delve into a very large list of resources to find groups, websites, guilds and more where you can become a part of a larger collective of hand makers of various crafts. But first, Elizabeth is going to talk to you about how she started her journey as an indie dyer and give you some resources to get started yourself!

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Yarn Dyeing with The Red Pansy

Have you ever looked at the vibrant colors in nature and wondered how to capture them in something you can touch and feel that does not fade or crumble into dust after a little while? Or seen that perfect crochet, weaving, or knitting pattern that you just can not find the right yarn for? Kelli of the Red Pansy has captured those vibrant colors and made them available to you, to make those handmade dreams come true :) And to think, she’s only be at this for a year! I cannot wait to see what she has planned for next year. :) Makes me want all the yarn…now if only I had the all the time to make all the projects in my head :)

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Yarn Dyeing with BlueMuleFiber

Have you ever heard a story so inspiring you wanted to follow the person in your favorite social media account to see what they next come up with? Or loved the story behind a color of yarn or a product that you literally wanted to buy all the yarn? This is the case with Beth and Ashley a mother - daughter team of indie dyers that are Blue Mule Fiber. :). Not only do they have an amazing story about how they got started doing what they do, but they also make some of the most gorgeous yarn! Keep reading for their story and tons of ideas of what you can do with this yarn when you get your hands on it. :)

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Yarn Dyeing with Fireweed Fibres

Nature has such amazing colors and so many gorgeous layers and color combinations. Have you ever wondered if you could dye yarn with a particular herb or other plants nearby you? Growing up I loved to read and in several of my book adventures were people that had created dyes out of the everyday nature items. Some where from Ancient Egypt where a variety of different crushed items created vibrant colors that sometimes only the wealthy were able to afford. While in even the most recent of stories, you hear about how someone created something from nature using their own ingenuity and patience. Hayley is one such person who has figured out how to use natural dyes to create beautiful yarns. She shares her story and resources that helped her below. :)

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Yarn Dyeing with Blue Barn Fiber

Have you ever seen a beautiful piece of yarn and wondered how they did it? How the yarn dyer created this piece of artwork? Maybe even the story behind them honing their craft? These next two months will be all about yarn dyers, some with a lot of followers, some just starting out, but all of them creating some amazingly gorgeous, stunning yarns. Holly starts out this group with her story and some of the resources that helped her get to where she is today, making some amazing yarns!!! I have also had the privilege of obtaining some of her yarns and LOVE them!!! If you see any pictures of mine that have glow-in-the-dark yarns, they’re from Holly! But she does so many more colors too! Keep reading for some of her story :) 

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