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Clay Dragons with AtriaPolymerClay

Have you ever seen adorable clay dragons and wondered who made them and where they came from? Or where you can get one? Atria of AtriaPolymerClay answers these questions and more as she talks about her inspiration to start AtriaPolymerClay, her first creations, entrepreneurial advice and much more in her interview with us. An awesome addition to this interview is that it is both in English and Czech! Atria has answered her interview questions in both Czech and English so you will find the Czech version of the interview after the English version :).

You can find Atria’s dragons at her Etsy Shop and for behind the scenes as well as updates on her latest projects check out her Instagram profile.

Of note - This post contains affiliate links, which means I will make a commission at no extra cost to you, should you click through and make a purchase. Please note that I do not recommend products or websites unless I use them or would use them myself. I have spend countless hours on Etsy and love seeing all the small creative businesses on there. :)


Polymer Clay Dragons with AtriaPolymerClay

What gave you the idea/inspiration to start AtriaPolymerClay?

I was inspired to start Atria Polymer Clay by my daughter, who showed me figurines made of polymer clay. He tells me: you could make this anyway. So I started searching the internet and came across polymer dragons. I liked those the most, so I tried it. Believe me, the first creations were really scary :D


How did you get started in making clay dragons?

As I said before, I liked dragons the most. In addition, it is a mystical creature that is also very popular among people.


What’s your favorite type of dragon to make?

I like nature and the color green, so it's mostly flower dragons, but I also really like working with the galactic black and blue clay Premo, which has a very good structure and is very easy to work with. Plus the idea of a space dragon… isn't that awesome? Or imagine a sunny meadow in the forest, with a small pond around which little dragons play. They climb trees or weave through grass. It is nice.


How do you choose the designs you create – ie is there something that you take inspiration from when you start a design?

First, I looked through many, many photos on the Internet. I was looking for a dragon that I like, but that I will be able to make. I took inspiration from everyone I found, but at the same time I tried to make a dragon that would be specific to me. Now I make dragons according to my mood. I have to enjoy it, I have to be in the mood to create them, I have to like the color or color combination.


What do you wish people understood about making dragons?

Care and patience are needed during production. Often a detail needs to be tuned. It's not about making a body, gluing legs and wings to it, and putting horns on the head. It is necessary to constantly imagine it as a birthing animal that will have a face, an expression, a story.


What would you tell a new clay artist for encouragement?

Definitely don't give up and don't worry if your first dragon doesn't look like a dragon. Mine was really scary, trust me. Try to insert your idea gradually. And definitely don't try to make big figures at first.


What is something you are passionate about and why?

I definitely enjoy creating the dragon and imagining the environment it lives in. How he moves and what kind of friends he has. It could often be a movie :D

I have loved animals since I was little, especially horses. Now that my children are grown, I have the opportunity to spend my free time with horses. I also like to read and draw, but unfortunately there is not much time left for that.


How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Paradoxically, the pandemic helped me. Thanks to this, my employer allowed us to work from home (I work for a health insurance company). I thus gained up to 4 hours, which I spend on getting ready in the morning and traveling to work. Suddenly I had time to go shopping, clean, go for a walk with the dog, talk with the children, play sports and of course make dragons. Overall, I was rested. Time is a big part of my life that I don't often get.


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

For me, the pandemic was beneficial - I had more time. Even though the whole family went through covid, luckily we didn't have a serious case. My employer has allowed most employees to work from home, so a win for me.


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

It would depend on what her family and social circumstances would be. I couldn't make dragons when my kids were little. I raised them alone. I had to go to work and then I wanted to spend time with the children that was what mattered the most. The second thing I don't want is to make it mandatory to make anything. So if possible, always look at your business as entertainment. It must bring joy, not stress and fatigue.


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur who was a mother, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Business must never be at the expense of your children. When the children are big, don't forget about yourself. Play sports, have fun.


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

Don't be afraid to experiment, but be critical. You can't immediately want to buy a plane with your products.


Fun question – if you could meet one person in history or present, who would it be and why?

It would probably be the Witcher. I like his humor, but at the same time I'm fascinated by the life he was raised to live and the world he lives in. His freedom, his independence.


What is your dream for AtriaPolymerClay to be (where do you see AtriaPolymerClay in 5+ years)?

I would like to constantly improve and expand my dragons. But at the same time, I don't want to cross the imaginary limit of financial availability for most customers. I would definitely like to get more awareness and allow more people to buy their dragon friend.


Is there anything (message or topic) you would like to talk about that we did not ask about?

Always try to do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Don't forget your family and friends and people who are matter to you.


How can I and my readers help you with your dream for AtriaPolymerClay? 

Visit any of my social media profiles, watch dragons being born on Instagram and choose your new friend for yourself or the person you love. Close your eyes and come to Dragon world.


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AtriaPolymerClay Interview in Czech:


What gave you the idea/inspiration to start AtriaPolymerClay?

K založení Atria Polymer Clay mě inspirovala moje dcera, která mi ukázala figurky vyrobené z polymerové hlíny. Povídá mi: tohle bys přeci take zvládla. Začala jsem tedy hledat na internetu a narazila jsem na polymerové draky. Ti se mi líbili nejvíce a tak jsem to zkusila. Věřte, první výtvory byly opravdu děsivé :D


How did you get started in making clay dragons?

Jak jsem již řekla, draci se mi líbili nejvíce. Je to navíc mystický tvor, který je hodně oblíbený I mezi lidmi.

What’s your favorite type of dragon to make?

Mám ráda přírodu a zelenou barvu, takže jsou to většinou květinoví draci, ale moc ráda pracuji I s galaktickou černou a modrou hmotou Premo, která má velice dobrou strukturu a moc dobře se s ní pracuje. Navíc představa vesmírného draka… není to úžasné? Nebo si představte prosluněný palouk v lese, s malým jezírkem, okolo kterého si hrají malí draci. Lezou po stromech nebo se proplétají trávou. Je to hezké.


How do you choose the designs you create – ie is there something that you take inspiration from when you start a design?

Nejdříve jsem si prohlédla mnoho a mnoho fotografií na internetu. Hledala jsem draka, který se mi líbí, ale kterého budu schopná vyrobit. Od každého, kterého jsem našla, jsem se něčím inspirovala, ale zároveň se snažila vyrobit draka, který bude pro mě specifický. Nyní vyrábím draky podle své nálady. Musí mě bavit, musím mít náladu je tvořit, musí se mi líbit barva nebo barevná kombinace.


What do you wish people understood about making dragons?

Při výrobě je potřeba pečlivost a trpělivost. Často je třeba ladit detail. Není to o tom vytvořit tělo, nalepit k němu nohy a křídla a dát na hlavu rohy. Je třeba si ho stale představovat jako rodící se zvíře, které bude mít tvář, výraz, příběh.


What would you tell a new clay artist for encouragement?

Rozhodně se nevzdávejte a nebojte se, když váš první drak nebude vypadat jako drak. Můj byl opravdu děsivý, věř mi. Svojí představu se snažte vkládat postupně. A rozhodně se nesnažte vyrobit od začátku velké figury.


What is something you are passionate about and why? – ve výrobě draků nebo obecně? in dragon making or in general?

Rozhodně mě baví vytvářet draka a představovat si prostředí, v jakém žije. Jak se pohybuje a jaké má kamarády. Často by z toho mohl být film :D

Od malička miluji zvířata, hlavně koně. Nyní, když už jsou moje děti velké, mám možnost u koní trávit svůj volný čas. Ráda take čtu a kreslím, ale na to bohužel nezbývá mnoho času.

 How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Pandemie mi paradoxně pomohla. Díky tomu můj zaměstnavatel nám umožnil pracovat z domova (pracuji ve zdravotní pojišťovně). Získala jsem tak až 4 hodiny, které trávím ranní přípravou a cestováním do práce. Najednou jsem měla čas dojít na nákup, uklidit, jít na procházku se psem, povídat si s dětmi, sportovat a samozřejmě vyrábět dragons. Celkově jsem byla odpočinutá. Čas je velká část mého života, které se mi často nedostává.

What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

Pro mě byla pandemie přínosem – měla jsem vice času. I když celá rodina prodělala covid, neměli jsme naštěstí vážný průběh. Můj zaměstnavatel povolil většině zaměstnanců pracovat z domova, takže pro mě výhra.


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Záleželo by na tom, jaké by byly její rodinné a sociální poměry. Nemohla bych vyrábět draky, když byly moje děti malé. Vychovávala jsem je sama. Musela jsem chodit do práce a pak chtěla trávila čas s dětmi, to bylo to, na čem záleželo nejvíc. Druhá věc, kterou bych nechtěla, aby se výroba čehokoliv stala povinností. Pokud to tedy je možné, stale se dívej na své podnikání jako na zábavu. Musí přinášet radost, ne stress a únavu.


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur who was a mother, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Nikdy nesmí být podnikání na úkor tvých dětí. Když jsou děti velké, nezapomínej na sebe. Sportuj, bav se.


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

Neboj se experimentů, ale buď kritická. Nemůžeš za své výrobky hned chtít koupit letadlo.


Fun question – if you could meet one person in history or present, who would it be and why?

Byl by to asi Zaklínač. Mám ráda jeho humor, ale zároveň mě fascinuje život, k jakému byl vychován a svět, ve kterém žije. Jeho volnost, nezávislost.


What is your dream for AtriaPolymerClay to be (where do you see AtriaPolymerClay in 5+ years)?

Ráda bych své draky stale zdokonalovala a rozšiřovala. Zároveň ale nechci překročit pomyslnou hranici finanční dostupnosti pro většinu zákazníků. Rozhodně bych se ráda dostala vice do povědomí a umožnila tak vice lidem, aby si mohli koupit svého dračího kamaráda.


Is there anything (message or topic) you would like to talk about that we did not ask about?

Snažte se vždy dělat to, co vás baví a co vám dělá radost. Nezapomínejte na svou rodinu a přátele a lidi, kteří za váš čas stojí.


How can I and my readers help you with your dream for AtriaPolymerClay? 

Navštivte některý z mých profile na sociálních sítích, sledujte na Instagramu, jak se draci rodí a vyberte si svého nového kamaráda pro sebe nebo osobu, kterou máte rádi. Zavřete oči a pojďte do Dračího světa.


Thank you for joining us with this interview of AtriaPolymerClay and thank you to Atria for allowing us the opportunity to interview you! We’d love to hear what you have from AtriaPolymerClay or if you have a recommended creative entrepreneur you think we should interview, let us know via email, tag us on social media or comment below! Have a great and safe day my friend!


See this gallery in the original post