31 Websites to Plan for Halloween Crafts for Kids

Happy Halloween!! Below you will find resources for Halloween crafts for kids, activities and events that they family can participate in together. These resources have been gathered with the goal of helping the family have fun during Halloween while also remaining safe, helping others, and learning some of the history of the holiday throughout the world as well.  

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23 Websites for Planning Christmas Crafts for Kids

While Christmas has come and gone, this article gives you resources to help set up and plan for Christmas in 2018. Whether it be games, starting family traditions, learning more about Christmas traditions around the world, or activities for Christmas Eve and Christmas, these resources help you save time and money by giving you a plethora of ideas for what you may need throughout the year for this coming Christmas, without the craziness  that often accompany getting everything ready in December.

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20 Websites to Plan Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Thanksgiving is a time for family, celebration, being thankful for all of our blessings.  With this time also comes the need to create family activities, family traditions (it is never too late to start a tradition), show gratitude for the blessings we have and knowing how others in the world share/celebrate a Thanksgiving type celebration as well.  Whatever and however you and your family, friends or just you celebrate - Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours and know that we are thankful for each and every one of you.

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