Pottery with VisiterIsrael

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Have you ever seen beautiful pottery like the plates above and wanted to know more about the person behind these stunning works of art that you can use around your home? This interview with VisiterIsrael does just that and more! You get to learn more about a potter who creates wonderful pieces of artwork from Israel but ships worldwide. She not only talks about her inspiration for her pottery but also shares entrepreneurial advice and encouragement for new potters.

You can find her work on her website as well as her Facebook profile.

Pottery with VisiterIsrael

By Michele of VAMICreations and VisiterIsrael

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What gave you the idea/inspiration to start VisiterIsrael?

In fact, as you can see the title describes (although in French) the purpose of the website: to visit Israel. I am a tour guide and that was my main occupation until last March when the COVID started.


How did you get started in pottery? 

I started to learn a few years ago for my pleasure. When tourism stopped, my husband made me a small workshop and I started to produce more pottery with biblical themes. I posted it on my Facebook page and my friends/ visitors/people I stayed in contact with really liked it. So, I opened my online shop on the same website dedicated originally to tourism. My shop is called though Or HaOlam: Light of the World.

What’s your favorite type of pottery to do?

I love making trays, glasses with biblical verses, biblical themes, bowls, things useful for the house.


How do you choose the pottery clay you work with?

I tried many and I use four main clays: grey and white regular ones, then two others with chamotte.

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How do you choose the pieces you create – i.e is there something that you take inspiration from when you start a piece?

I have a MA in Studies of the Land of Israel and Archeology and studied ancient pottery. So I get inspiration from the different archeological findings. 


What would you tell a new potter for encouragement?

Don’t give up, keep making nonstop until you get it. Practice is the key.


What is something you are passionate about and why?

Ancient art, antics, ancient history.


What is the most common question you get asked about your work?

From where I draw my inspiration.


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What is one thing that you wish people knew about working with pottery?

That clay has a memory and reflects also your state of mind. It is like projecting yourself somehow when you start to manipulate the clay. So, depending on your mood, there are good days and less good days for making pottery


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Women have many resources and can achieve a lot. Keep following your desires and aspirations. You can do it.


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

Believe in your ability to do a lot. Follow your dreams

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How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

As I wrote earlier, it led me to a new profession. I cannot work for the moment as a tour guide in Israel, so I became a potter in addition of virtual tours and teachings that I still provide using my degree.


What is something that has helped you get through, during this global pandemic?  Something that is encouraging or a positive thing for you?

Creativity, let my creativity and deep desire to reach my goals


Fun question – if you could meet one person in history or present, who would it be and why?

King David! I loved his humility and honesty when writing his psalms and his total commitment for his kingdom.


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What is your dream for VisiterIsrael to be (where do you see VisiterIsrael in 5+ years)?

To be able to bring my groups of visitors to my Pottery Art Shop in the Judean Hills.


Is there anything (message or topic) you would like to talk about that we did not ask about?

I didn’t mention that what motivates me the most is teaching. I have another website for Torah teaching. You see, I do many different things :) But, concerning VisiterIsrael/Or HaOlam, we live in the Judean hills in Israel and are building a small biblical center that will be ready in a year or so. It was meant for bringing groups of visitors, to tour the Land with them, host them, make some hands-on activities like pottery, pita bread making and so on.  With the crisis, we are not sure how tourism will resume, the size of the groups etc.  I would like to develop more virtual tours and teachings about the Land.


Thank you for joining us for this interview with VisiterIsrael! And thank you, VisiterIsrael for the interview. If you have a handmade company you’d recommend to be interviewed for this section or any of the topics on VAMICreations, please comment below or send me an email and i look forward to hearing from you. Wishing you a healthy, safe, and wonderful week my friend!