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Clay Dragons with Dragon of My Dreams

Have you ever seen the most adorable little dragon clay sculpture and wanted to know more about who created it? Or wondered about what inspired them to create the dragons they did? We had the chance to interview April of Dragons of My Dreams all about her business, how she creates her dragons, what inspired her and much more!!

You can find April's adorable dragons at her new website and her Instagram profile for updates on her dragons, behind the scenes, and what is going on in her business. :)

April has also done an amazing Step by Step Clay Dragon Sculpting Tutorial for you here on VAMICreations on her sea dragon!

And she also has just released her first ever book!!! It has 31 stories complete with pictures and each book is signed!!! How awesome is that?!

Read on to find out more about this amazing lady and her adorable dragons! Each picture also has a description of the dragons by April herself where she tells you a little about each one and how they were made. :). At the end of her interview, you’ll find a list of the Sculptor resources found throughout this website and more on grants for sculptors as well as places you submit your work. :)

Sparky and Winter Wonder: Presents for my husband and daughter. Origin of my love for Dragons.

Dragons of My Dreams - Clay Dragon Sculptures

By Michele of VAMICreations and April of Dragons of My Dreams

How did you start Dragons of My Dreams?

In November of 2017 I decided that I wanted to give the two biggest Dragon fans I know, my husband and daughter, something special for Christmas. My daughter, Ivy, had been following several artists on Instagram for quite some time, and constantly showed me the cutest little dragons by Dragons and Beasties. I wanted to purchase some of her work as gifts, but it just wasn’t financially possible at the time. So, I decided that I would try my hand at making their gifts instead. Since I had absolutely no idea how to go about making a dragon, I hit YouTube and found a tutorial by none other than Dragons and Beasties herself. I can’t tell you how many times I watched that thing before I felt semi-comfortable with even attempting a sculpture. After some seriously secretive late night work, I didn’t want to spoil their surprises, I finally completed the very first two Dragons. I was proud as punch and I loved every minute of it! It was so very relaxing to be able to focus on the feel of the clay and the creative process. And it was during those late nights that I fell in love with Dragons. I knew then and there that I wanted to keep going. I began to make them for my friends and family. It didn’t occur to me to sell them at first, but once people began asking for them, well, the rest is history.


A Very Merry Unbirthday to You!: One of the most unique, quirky, and fun Dragons to create. The hat was such a challenge and it's clay work, not painted. Painting it would have been much easier, lol! If it hadn't been a custom order, I would have kept her for myself.

What gave you the idea/inspiration?

Once I began selling my creations, it just seemed logical to give a name to what seemed to be growing into a small business. It was actually my daughter, Ivy, that came up with the idea. When she was little, one of her favorite places to go was a small, hole in the wall museum just outside of Chattanooga called Dragon Dreams Museum. She loved that quaint little place! We played around with different names centered around her love of that museum and all things Dragon. After a lot of deliberation, Dragon of My Dreams had its name. All thanks to a childhood memory. 


Tell us a little about yourself.

Well, I’m a Southern girl from a small map dot in Alabama called Prescott. So if I call you sweetie or honey, it’s just a Southern thing. 

Scott, my husband and best friend, and I just celebrated our 24th Anniversary this month. Ivy is our sweet and sassy daughter who is currently pursuing a degree in clinical pathology. Lord help us through the college years! My family means the world to me! They are my biggest support system, with each person heading up different aspects of the business. I am so very fortunate to have their love and support. I don’t know what I would do without them.

I’m also an animal lover. Our home is a bit of a zoo. We have ten, yes you read that correctly, ten very spoiled cats. I have officially entered crazy cat lady territory! We also have three dogs and Ivy has her two rats, Romi and Sage.

When I’m not sculpting, I enjoy reading, fishing, and spending time with my family. I love to travel and going on adventures with them. 


How long has Dragons of My Dreams been around?

I’ve been creating Dragons for just over two years now.


What is Dragons of My Dreams all about?

The Role of the Father: One of my favorite Sea Dragons. Getting the father suspended as if he were actually swimming was challenging, yet very rewarding once I got it right. I wanted to capture an underwater moment in time and was quite tickled when everything worked out beautifully.

Dragon of My Dreams is about bringing fun and imagination to life! It’s creating new friends, introducing people to the sweeter side of Dragons, and using the gift that God has blessed me with to bring smiles, giggles, and happiness to the people who encounter my little creations. It’s about bringing a little bit of magic to life and hopefully making the world a bit brighter.


How do you choose the sculptures you create?

Unlike many Dragons that inhabit fantasy realms, most of my Dragons live in our world. Sure there are some fantasy aspects, especially when it comes to the realm of the Nebula Dragons, but even they are connected to the real world. That being said, nature plays a big part in a lot of their designs. You will find the settings for many of their stories are actual places. I spend a lot of time researching the area that a Dragon will live in before writing their story so I can make sure to get the details correct. 

Some of my Dragons reflect my time spent as a preschool teacher. I love a child’s natural curiosity and ability to see the world through eyes of wonder and delight. Often times my sculptures reflect these childlike qualities, especially the Dumplin’ Dragons. They are modeled after sweet, curious, and rambunctious toddlers.

Custom Dragons are all about taking a customer’s vision and helping bring it to life. I spend a lot of time working with my customers to make sure that I can accurately create what they envision. Details are super important to capturing moments and personalities and I want to make sure I get those right.


What has inspired you to create different sculptures?

Just like the variety you find in nature and in people, Dragons come in a wide array of colors, sizes, shapes and species. No two are ever going to be just alike. From the shy little Sea Dragons, to the playful Snow Dragons, to the stately Forest Guardians , they all have different personalities. I think that’s what inspires me the most. The beautiful diversity of the world we live in. With that in mind I’m not limited to just one style, but open to whatever my imagination can create. 

Toasting the Perfect Mallow: One of my first Dumplin' Dragons, he makes me smile. My love for a golden brown marshmallow is something I share with this little guy. Getting them just right takes a lot of patience


What is your favorite type of dragon to create?

Oh, now this is a hard question to answer! I love different aspects about each type of Dragon. The elegant fins of the Sea Dragons, the beautiful sparkles and color swirls of the Nebula Dragons, the chunky cuteness of the Dumplins’... I really don’t know which ones I love creating the most! 


What would you tell a new sculptor for encouragement?

Don’t be afraid! You have a unique passion and ability. Use that to create whatever is in your heart. Don’t be afraid to share yourself with the world. Realize that your art will appeal to some people, but it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s ok. Create for yourself, not for the world. Don’t change your art just to please others. Be true to yourself and your art will fly!


What is something you are passionate about and why?

It’s going to sound a little strange, but I’m passionate about kindness. Since I claim to be a follower of Christ, I better be ready to walk it out in my life. In a world where there are so many things that can bring a person down, it only takes a little kindness to brighten a day. It doesn’t take much effort to glance at a name tag on someone who is ringing up your groceries or handing your food to you so that you can address them by name when you thank them for the service they provide. A small thing on your part, but it sure makes a big difference to them. It shows that you view them as a real person, not just another cog in the wheel of your day. Doing little things for others can really change the way you look at life. It makes a positive impact not only on others, but on yourself as well. A little kindness goes a long way.

Atka's Dream: Blues are my favorite color family to work with. They are so relaxing to me. I'm also a huge fan of the shimmer that can be attained using mica powder, so the ice he's resting on was a blast to create. I loved the look of him so much that he became part of my new logo.

If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Do not let anyone tell you that you can’t do it! You have just as much passion, ability, determination, and hope for your dream as the next person. You may encounter roadblocks, find a way around or go through them. If you fall down, get right back up and try again! No one can make you fail if you keep trying. You will succeed at whatever you put your mind to. Remember… What if you CAN do it?


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

Fortunately in art, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman. The world judges you based on what you create, not on your gender. However, in many business aspects a woman might not be taken as seriously if she enters what has been seen as a predominantly male field. I would remind her that she has just as much ability as anyone else to make her dreams a reality. She has the drive, the resources, and the passion to succeed and she shouldn’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of becoming who she is destined to be.


Where To Next: The Nebula Dragons are truly my favorites. I love working with them, creating their unique colorations and listening to their stories while I work. I love being able to connect them to God's beautiful universe. You'll find that Creator has tasked them with all aspects of a star's existence, from creation to death.

If you had one (or several) things to share with an entrepreneur who is a mother, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Mama, you’ve got this! Get your family and those little ones involved in some way. Even a toddler can help place a stamp or help tape a package. They will love the fact that you let them help. When I kept my two year old nephew he helped me choose colors, made sure each Dragon got a boop or kiss on the nose, and helped deliver packages to the post office. Sure, they were little things, but it made a big difference to him. 

Take it one step at a time and don’t wear yourself out. Give yourself some grace and lean on those who’ve got your back when you need to. Share your successes as well as your “not so shining moments” and let your little ones and family give you the support you need to really be the success you know you are going to be.


The Next Chapter: Such a delightfully unusual piece and a challenge to boot! That quilt took forever and I'm pretty sure I earned several white hair in the process, but the results were well worth it!

What is a lesson learned for being an entrepreneur who is a mother that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

It’s not going to get done overnight! Take it one step at a time and make sure you keep your priorities in order. Don’t let your business consume you to the point that you forget to make time for your family.

Yes, I was a bit guilty of this during the beginning. Well, maybe a lot guilty. Trying to make sure that I was doing everything “just right”: worrying about numbers of followers, building my clay box, getting the right tools, creating Dragons that people would love… With all of that going on, being a full time teacher, and a part time secretary, I forgot to make time for the people who mattered the most. My husband and daughter finally sat down with me and expressed their frustrations and much to my dismay, they were right. So, I began sculpting at night after they were asleep, didn’t sculpt so much on the weekends, worried less about numbers and such, and got my priorities back in order. And guess what, my business still grew and my family is much happier. 

Take my lesson to heart and build not only your business, but your family as well. You’ll be a lot happier that way.


What is your dream for Dragons of My Dreams (where do you see Dragons of My Dreams in 5+ years)?

Friendship Never Fades: A custom piece created to honor a truly special friendship. While I was not privy to all the details behind the lady's story, the information I was given was enough to paint a beautiful picture of love and healing. Their story remains one that had so many false starts, but once I found the right path it just flowed.

Oh my! Well, if you’re going to dream, dream big! In five years time, I’m aiming to be a full-time artist. By the end of 2020, I’m hoping to have the Dragon of My Dreams website up and running (UPDATE From Michele - the website is up and running!! You can find it here as well as her new book!!!). I want to be able to participate in more events and even some of the larger Cons. But the biggest dream for the future is in response to a request I have heard time and time again, “Why not publish a book of your stories?” Guess what, I’m going to work on doing just that! It absolutely tickles me that people enjoy reading my Dragons’ stories so much - Thank you everyone for the love you’ve shown for them! 

There are a few more things, but hey, a lady’s got to have a few secrets doesn’t she?


Is there anything you would like to talk about that we did not ask about?

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who is helping me make my dream a reality! People may not realize it, but every little thing from a “like” on Instagram or Facebook to adopting a Dragon is super appreciated! I would also like to give a special thank you to a fellow sculptor who has been such a source of help and encouragement. Bella, (@bellaenchantedstudios) without a doubt, you have been such an invaluable source of knowledge and kindness. Thank you so very much for everything!

Without the support of my followers, customers, supporters, friends, and family my dream would have been nothing more than just a dream. I am so very grateful to each and every one of you! 

We’ve loved hearing April’s answers and seeing all of her cute and adorable dragons! Sculptors have been some of our greatest interviews and for each interview we’ve also added a list of resources for specific topics within the sculpting field, some for inspiration, some for sculpting. We’ve also included some sculptor specific grants as well as places to potentially post your portfolio. Please note that none of these lists are exhaustive but are meant to be a starting point for you. If you have additional links for me to add, please comment below or send me an email and thank you!!!

Crafters for Kids is all about a wonderful organization that takes donations from sculptors to give to sick kids in hospitals around the USA and have started to add in international hospitals as well.

The Ultimate List of Dragon Sculptors on Instagram has over 35 (and adding more to it every month) amazingly talented dragon sculptors to include April of Dragons of My Dreams and so many others! If you have any dragon sculptors you’d recommend be added, please let me know and I’ll add them :)

Can I Have S'more?: My very first S'mores Baby. I love working with these little guys, making them all toasty and chocolatey allows me to play as if I'm a child again. Who doesn't love getting a gooey, messy treat?

Clay Dragons with My SunKissed Studios is an amazing sculptor who makes adorable dragons and is a wonderful person. After Shannon’s feature, I’ve created a list of resources all about the history of clay sculpting as well as tips and tricks for clay sculpting to include some beginner tutorials.

Clay Dragons with Creature Cave is an awesome feature with Verity who creates awesome sculptures for the movie and film industry! To celebrate her work, we created a list of resources for those sculptors either wanting to go into the film sculpting business or just starting out their sculpting business.

Clay Dragons with Clayworks by Jen showcases a wonderful lady’s talent in creating dragons and dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes. She’s created realistic dinosaurs and dragons and even her own type of dragon/dinosaurs too. At the end of her feature is a list of resources all about dinosaur myths and legends as well as places to find sculpting classes and equipment.

Clay Dragons with Bella Enchanted Studios highlights an amazing lady’s talent in creating dragons, dragonkins, and the stories that are unique to each one. She has created dragons reading books (my favorite), hatching from eggs, sleeping, eating, and so much more. :) At the end of her feature is a list of resources all about dragon myths and legends as well as places to find sculpting classes and equipment.

Clay Dragons with jsthreads14 is a feature with jsthreads14 and her awesome dragons. She’s created all types of dragons from land to sea dragons and much more!! At the end of her feature, we’ve made a long list of movies on dragons and dinosaurs to inspire you for your next project. :)

Clay Dragons with Daylight Creations highlights an awesome artist who is just getting started in the field of dragon sculpting and has already created amazingly cute dragons. :) Because Amanda is from Scandinavia, the resources at the end of her feature are all about Scandinavian dragons and their myths and legends as well as more places to find online classes and clay sculpting equipment.

Clay Dragons with Mini Mythicals has some amazing dragons inspired by her location in Arizona and the Native Americans and wildlife around her. As such we have also included a list of resources all about some of the myths and legends of the Native Americans as well as more online classes as well as places to find clay sculpting equipment.

Clay Dragons with Dragons of Whimsy is the first sculpting maker feature we did here and Vered is amazing in how she has grown and created a wonderful following since we did this feature two years ago. :) As she was the first, we created a list of resources to delve into the myths and legends of dragons from around the world as well as a couple of sculpting classes and places you can find equipment for clay sculpting.

Finally if you are looking for classes and equipment for sculpting, Bluprint is one of my favorite places for both. Since I love it, I wanted to share with you a full Bluprint review and set up tutorial .

Funding/Grants for Sculptors and other Artists:

VAMICreations has a large list of grants for businesses you can find here, while the below are specific for sculptors and artists.

Regional Arts and Culture Council funding is a great place to find funding opportunities specifically for sculptors. RACC Grants is another place within the Regional Arts & Culture Council that is specific for grants for those creatives.

Grantspace is another location for finding funding/grants for artists of all fields.

As I find more funding/grants specifically for Sculptors/Artists, I’ll add more to this page as well as the list of grants for businesses.

Places to potentially post your portfolio for more exposure: is a place where you as a sculptor can also look at joining and posting your portfolio. :). You can also find opportunities for internships, fellowships, scholarships, grants and so much more here! They have created a number of great resources here for sculptors.

Artshow is another location for posting your portfolio.

As I find more places to potentially post your portfolio I’ll add more to this page.

Thank you for joining us for this Maker Feature and thank you to Dragon of My Dreams for taking the interview with us! :) I’d love to hear from you, my wonderful reader about what types of resources you want more information on as well as Makers you would like to nominate for a Maker Feature! Please email me ( or leave a comment on this article! Looking forward to hearing from you and have a great day!

See this gallery in the original post