Crochet with By Katerina

Elements of Nature blanket CAL - water version

Elements of Nature blanket CAL - water version

Have you seen some of the gorgeous and fun crochet patterns from By Katerina? To include two amazing CALs!! One that was a stunning Mandela crochet pattern blanket and the second one that is coming up soon!!! The new CAL is a beautiful mosaic Elements of Nature blanket that can be done in any color combination to include one for Air, Water, Fire, and Earth (Air is my favorite) :). I’ll be joining in this one too and can’t wait to see what everyone makes!!!

After her interview, you can find the interview in Romanian as well :) And a couple of her patterns and indie yarn combinations :)

You can find By Katerina on her website and her Etsy Shop as well as behind the scenes as well as updates on the latest in her patterns on her Instagram profile.

Crocheting Wearable Yarn Artwork with By Katerina

By Michele of VAMICreations and Katerina of By Katerina 

How did you start By Katerina?

It was somewhere in 2017 when I started with the website and to publish patterns. I started to crochet again before I needed something to keep my mind clear. There were a lot of changes in my life (different country, a baby, staying at home with a baby…) and I was feeling like I am going down. I needed to make something that would bring a smile on my face, so my baby would see a happy mum and not a depressed one.


I started to post my makes on Facebook. Didn’t knew back then how huge this craft community is. People started asking me how I made them. I start reading about it and I saw that there are a lot of crochet patterns websites and I immediately decided to start a blog with crochet patterns.



What gave you the idea/inspiration?


Considering that people in this great community started to ask for a pattern for what I was posting, I think the idea/inspiration came from them.



Tell us a little about yourself.

My Happy Place Tee Crochet Pattern

My Happy Place Tee Crochet Pattern


I am a Romanian living in the Netherlands for 4 years now. I have a lovely husband and a perfect little girl. Back in Romania I was working in an Insurance Company in Customer Service, as a Complaint Coordinator. I am 34 years old, don’t have a driving license and I don’t know how to swim. 


How did you get started in crocheting?


I learned to crochet from my mom back in childhood, also knitting. But I learned by myself just watching her how is she doing. My mom was doing it back then because it was a trend. All her coworkers were making doilies or knitting sweaters during winter. She wasn’t passionate about it and didn’t have enough patience and most of the time I was the one who was finishing her projects 


How long has By Katerina been around?


I started in June 2017. At first I wasn’t posting only crochet patterns, but also about food and other stuff. I started to think more seriously about it at the end of 2018.


What is By Katerina all about?


By Katerina is something about making modern stuff using an old craft. I am more into designing clothes than other things like home décor or accessories and this is because I always loved the idea of making my own clothes. It’s about all the great feeling that you have after making something that is really wearable. All my designs have free patterns on my website and video tutorials, so that everyone can experiment this beautiful craft.



How do you choose the yarns you work with?


Uff, this is something that I learned with time and I didn’t realize at first how important it is the yarn to have a great finished project. I have a few things that I am looking for when buying yarn: first, weight. For garments, I prefer to work with fingering to maximum DK yarn and in general fingering weight is my go to weight yarn. I don’t like chunky or bulky because I don’t think you can make a wearable sweater, for example, out of it, especially crocheted. It’s too thick and I don’t think is comfortable to wear, at least in my opinion. People tend to work with thicker yarn because is faster, but you can have a cosy sweater even if it’s worked in fingering weight yarn.

Batwings Crochet Pattern

Batwings Crochet Pattern


The second thing I am looking at is the fiber. If I want to make something for fall or winter, I choose something that has wool. I prefer yarn that has in composition also natural fibers and not only acrylic for example, just because the natural fiber makes it more wearable, it helps with heat transfer and it’s breathable comparing with 100 % acrylic which is a synthetic fiber. If I want to make something for summer, I always choose cotton or cotton blend.  


How do you choose the patterns you create – ie is there something that you take inspiration from when you start a pattern?


I wrote an entire blog post about where to find inspiration and there are a lot of places and internet is full of great inspiration for designing crochet or knitted garment. Most of the time I got inspired from what people like to wear, so from the street and then I am thinking what I will like to wear. Many of my patterns are inspired from my own clothes and actually this is how I started to design my first patterns. Taking the actual jacket, choosing the yarn and a stitch pattern and then just following the lines of the actual jacket.


What has inspired you to create different patterns?


For example, when I designed “My Precious Sweater” which was so popular and still is, I saw a knitted store sweater with the diamonds pattern. Came home and started right away. For my latest design, Sunset Sweater I used as inspiration and old store sweater, which I don’t have anymore, but I loved it so much. That sweater was actually the inspiration for 3 of my designs, Bat Wings Sweater, Sunshine Sweater which is knitted, and Sunset Sweater which is the crochet version of the Sunshine Sweater.


What is your favorite pattern or yarn to work with?


My favorite stitch pattern is half double crochet if I want a more solid stitch and V stitch if I want a lace pattern. The yarn is definitely cotton


First Pattern Published - Bunny Sweater Pattern

First Pattern Published - Bunny Sweater Pattern

What would you tell a new designer for encouragement?


To believe in their creativity and themselves and never compare with other designers. There is room for anyone in this community, you just have to be patient and find your own spot. And the most important off all, design those things that make you happy.


What is something you are passionate about and why? 


I am passionate about painting, except designing. It’s something that I always loved to make, but because I didn’t have time to get more into this passion I let it aside. But I am using it, from time to time, even in my designs.


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?


This is something that I am not good at it at all. I think the most important is to do what you love and then everything will come with it.


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?


It’s not a lesson, because I kind of knew it from the beginning, but I think talking with a specialist about your business idea and then with someone technical to set everything up for you, it will help you save a lot of time and money in the end even if at the beginning is not looking so. Also it will let you be more focused on your actual business.


If you had one (or several) things to share with an entrepreneur who is a mom, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?


Being a mom is already a full time job and if you want to make something aside it’s a great challenge. It’s important to find a balance between both. Don’t neglect your child because of the business and don’t neglect your business because of the child.


Be aware about your kid’s needs. Sometimes they just need your presence, let them be part of what you are making. They will be happy and you will be happy.


What is a lesson learned for being an entrepreneur who is a mom that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

My Precious Sweater Crochet Pattern

My Precious Sweater Crochet Pattern


Well, it’s a bit different, because I actually choose to do this, just because I wanted to be more around my child. But, I think one lesson is that it’s good even for you and your business to take a break and take it slow, even if it’s looking like you won’t have enough time to reach that deadline.


How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?


I think we all learned that we need to stop a second and take more care about ourselves, about our planet, and about the ones that we love. It makes us aware that we are all in the same ship,  no matter race, political power (if we are talking about countries) and we together have to help not to sink.


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?


Most of the people were affected about the social impact. For me, this wasn’t an issue. I learned from a long time ago that the most important people in your life is family. If you know how to really be close with your family as husband, kids you won’t feel the social impact. And you have to learn and enjoy the small things that are way more important and can make you see the difference and makes you happy. It’s not important to drink your coffee in a fancy place, from a fancy cup, and after living to realize that you didn’t like the coffee, but you are lying to yourself that you did a good think because you were taking the coffee in a fancy place. A good coffee, in your plastic cup, with your loved ones, even if they are in a video call, can make you happier, but you just have to recognize it.


We really don’t need too much to be happy, we just have to slow down a bit and enjoy the small things.


What is your dream for By Katerina to be (where do you see By Katerina in 5+ years)?


This is the question that never liked it back in time, because I never knew what I wanted from my career. But now this question is easier than ever . I know that By Katerina will grow in the next 5 years. I am not sure though if I wanted to grow . It’s just perfect where it is, while I can still handle everything myself. I will take it slow and let this becoming what it should while I keep doing what I love. 


Is there anything you would like to talk about that we did not ask about?


About my curly hair routine. Just joking, but every time I encourage people to ask me anything, there were a lot of questions about my curly hair. 


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Interview in Romanian:

Cum ai inceput By Katerina?


A fost undeva in 2017, cand am inceput sa public modele pe website. Incepusem sa crosetez din nou, dupa ce am simtit ca am nevoie de ceva care sa imi pastreze mintea limpede. Erau foarte multe schimbari in viata mea (ne mutasem din tara, copilul, statul acasa cu un bebelus..) si simteam ca ma prabusesc. Trebuia sa fac ceva care sa imi aduca un zambet pe fata ca fetita mea sa vada o mama fericita si nu una in depresie.


La inceput imi postam lucrarile doar pe Facebook. Nu imi imaginam atunci ca poate exista o comunitate atat de puternica si de mare pentru acest hobby. Oamenii au inceput sa ma intrebe cum se fac modelele pe care le postam. Atunci, am inceput sa citesc mai mult despre modele de crosetat si am descoperit ca exista foarte multe website-uri unde oamenii isi publica modelele. Asa ca imediat m-am decis sa imi creez un website cu modele de crosetat.



De unde ti-a venit ideea/inspiratia?

 Avand in vedere ca multe persoane au intrebat despre modelele pe care le postam, cred ca idea si inspiratia a venit de la ei.


Dreamscape Tee Crochet Pattern

Dreamscape Tee Crochet Pattern


Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine.


Numele meu este Catalina si sunt din Romania, dar locuiesc in Olanda de peste 4 ani. Am un sot mununat si o fetita perfecta. In Romania, lucram intr-o companie de asigurari in Departamentul de Customer Service. Am 34 de ani si 2 lucruri pe care nu le-am facut pana acum sunt  sunt acelea ca nu am carnet de conducere si nu stiu sa inot.



Cum ai inceput sa crosetezi?


Am invatat sa crosetez si sa tricotez in copilarie de la mama. Am invatat mai mult singura, doar uitandu-ma la ce facea si cum facea ea. Atunci mama croseta pentru ca era “la moda” si pentru ca toate colegele ei o faceau. Nu cred ca era foarte pasionata si nu prea avea multa rabdare si de multe ori eu eram cea care termina proiectele.



De cand exista By Katerina?


Am inceput in iunie 2017. La inceput nu postam doar modele de crosetat, ci si retete sau alte lucruri pe care le poate face o mama cu bebe. Abia in 2018 am inceput sa iau lucrurile mai in serios, iar in Ianuarie 2019 a luat nastere ByKaterina cu acte in regula


Despre ce este ByKaterina?


By Katerina este un loc de unde sa te inspiri. Un loc unde poti gasi cum poti face lucruri moderne folosind un mestesug vechi. Imi place sa creez piese de imbracaminte mai mult decat, lucruri pentru casa sau accesorii. Asta pentru ca dintotdeauna mi-a placut ideea de a-ti face propriile haine. By Katerina este despre sentimental minunat pe care il ai dupa ce ai lucrat ceva cu mainile tale care este intradevar purtabil.



Cum alegi firele cu care lucrezi?


Uff, asta este ceva ce am invatat in timp. La inceput nu realizam cat de importanta este calitatea firului pentru ca ce lucrezi sa arate minunat si exact cum ti-ai dorit. Pentru imbracaminte, imi place sa folosesc fire subtiri pentru care se recomanda o croseta de maxim 4 mm. Nu prea imi place sa lucrez cu fire groase pentru ca nu cred ca hainele lucrate sunt purtabile. Cred ca majoritatea tinde sa lucreze cu fire groase pentru ca este mai rapid, dar poti avea un pulover calduros si daca este lucrat cu un fir mai subtire.


Sunshine Sweater Knitted Pattern

Sunshine Sweater Knitted Pattern

Al doilea lucru la care ma uit este fibra. Daca vrei sa lucrezi ceva pentru toamna sau iarna, este bine sa alegi un fir care contine lana. Prefer firele care au in compozitie si fibre naturale si nu doar fibre sintetice. Fibrele naturale, lasa corpul sa respire, regleaza temperatura corpului fara sa supra incalzeasca cum se intampla la lucrurile lucrate cu acryl de exemplu. Pentru vara, aleg intotdeauna bumbac sau amestec de bumbac.



Cum alegi modelele pe care le creezi? Este ceva de unde te inspiri?


Am scris o intreaga postare pe blog, despre unde poti gasi inspiratie pentru a crea modele, fie ele crosetate sau tricotate. De cele mai multe ori inspiratia vine din ce le place oamenilor sa poarte, iar apoi ma gandesc la ce mi-ar placea mie sa port sau de ce am nevoie. Multe dintre modelele mele sunt inspirate din haine pe care le-am avut sau le am. Asa am inceput practic sa creez modele: luam jacheta sau puloverul, alegeam firul si punctul de crosetat si apoi doar urmam liniile modelului de inspiratie.



Ce te-a inspirat sa creezi diferite modele?


De exemplu, cand am creat “Puloverul pretios”, care a fost si este in continuare foarte popular, am vazut intr-un magazin o varianta tricotata, dar cu acelasi motiv cu diamante. Am venit acasa si am inceput imediat sa lucrez la el.


Pentru unul din cele mai recente modele, “Pulover Apus de Soare” am folosit ca inspiratie un pulover pe care l-am avut, cumparat din magazin si care mi-a placut foarte mult. Acel pulover a fost inspiratie mea pentru 3 dintre modelele pe care le-am creat: Pulover Liliac, Pulover Raza de Soare care este tricotat si Puloverul Apus de Soare.



Care este punctul de crosetat pe care il preferi?


Punctul de crosetat preferat este piciorus dublu redus, daca imi doresc un model mai plin si piciorus dublu in V, daca vreau ceva mai cu gauri 

Sunset Sweater Crochet Pattern

Sunset Sweater Crochet Pattern


Ce i-ai spune unui nou designer ca incurajare?


Sa creada in creativitatea lui si in el insusi si niciodata sa nu se compare cu alti designer. Este loc pentru toata lumea in aceasta comunitate, trebuie doar sa fii rabdator si sa iti gasesti propriul loc. Si cel mai important lucru dintre toate, creaza acele lucruri care te fac fericit.



Ce te pasioneaza si de ce?? 


In afara de crosetat si tricotat sunt pasionata de pictat. Este ceva ce mi-a placut si mi-am dorit sa fac dintotdeauna. Din pacate nu am avut nici timp si nici cadrul necesar de a studia mai mult acest domeniu si l-am lasat deoparte. Dar din cand in cand ma mai inspir din pictura in modelele pe care le creez.


Daca ai avea un lucru (sau mai multe) de impartasit cu o femeie antreprenor, care ar fi acela? Ce le-ai incuraja sa faca?


La asta nu cred ca ma pricep foarte bine.  De fapt nu cred ca am ajuns sa ma simt antreprenor, desi asta sunt . Cred ca cel mai important lucru este sa faci ce iti place sa crezi in tine  si in pasiunea ta si totul va veni de la sine


Ce lectie ai invatat ca antreprenor si ai fi dorit ca cineva sa iti fi spus despre asta cand ai inceput?



Nu as zice ca a fost o lectie, pentru ca am stiut inca de la inceput, dar cred ca e important sa vorbesti cu un consultant inainte despre ideea ta de afacere care sa te ajute cu un plan bine pus la punct. De asemenea este bine ca toate chestiunile tehnice sa le lasi in seama unui specialist care sa iti puna totul la punct in ceea ce priveste websiteul, mai ales cand discutam de o afacere care se desfasoara online. Te va rezolva de o multime de probleme care pot sa apara pe parcurs si asta te va scuti de timp pierdut si bani chiar daca la inceput pare o investitie.



Daca ai avea un lucru ( sau mai multe) de impartasit cu o femeie antreprenor care este mama, care ar fi acela? Cu ce a-I incuraja-o?


Oasis Crochet Pattern CAL

Oasis Crochet Pattern CAL

Sa fii mama este deja un job cu norma intreaga si daca iti doresti sa mai faci ceva pe langa este o adevarata provocare. Este important sa gasesti o balanta intre cele doua lucruri si niciodata sa nu neglijezi un lucru in favoarea celuilalt.


Fii atenta la nevoile copilului. Faptul ca poti fi in preajma lui si sa si muncesti in acelasi timp este un mare lucru. De multe ori ei au nevoie doar sa te stie acolo langa ei. Implica-l in ceea ce faci si va fi foarte fericiti.


Care este lectia pe care ai invatat-o fiind o femeie antreprenor care este mama si pe care ti-ai fi dorit ca cineva sa ti-o spuna cand ai inceput?


Am ales sa fac asta tocmai pentru ca imi doream sa fiu mai mult timp in preajma copilului, dar problema este ca desi pare ca ai un program flexibil, tinzi sa muncesti mai mult decat este cazul. O lectie ar fi aceea ca, o pauza, chiar daca pare ca nu o sa ai timp suficienti sa termini ce ti-ai propus, este binevenita si pentru tine si pentru afacerea ta


Cum ti-a schimbat sau impactat COVID viziunea/strategia?


Cred ca am invatat cu totii ca trebuie sa ne oprim pentru o secunda si sa avem mai multa grija de noi, de planeta si de cei pe care ii iubim. Ne-a facut mai constienti ca suntem toti in aceeasi barca si ca nu conteaza rasa, puterea politica ( daca vorbim de tari), cu totii trebuie sa ajutam sa nu se scufunde



Crochet Girl Sweater

Ce te-a ajutat sa treci peste in timpul pandemiei globale? Ceva incurajator si pozitiv? 


Majoritatea oamenilor au fost afectati de impactul social. Pentru mine nu a fost asta o problema. Am invatat cu mult timp in urma ca cei mai importanti oameni in viata sunt familia. Daca inveti cum sa fii cu adevarat aproape de familia ta, nu vei simti impactul social. Si cu totii trebuie sa invatam sa ne bucuram de lucruri marunte care te fac intradevar fericit. Nu e important sa iti bei cafeua la o cafenea de fite dintr-o ceasca scumpa si dupa ce ai plecat sa constati ca nici nu ti-a placut cafeua, dar te minti ca esti fericit ca ai baut cafeaua in oras. O cafea buna, intr-un pahar de plastic, alaturi de cei dragi, chiar daca sunt intr-un apel video, te vor face mai fericit, dar trebuie doar sa o recunosti.




Care este visul tau pentru ByKaterina (unde vezi ByKaterina in 5+ ani)?



Asta este o intrebare care nu mi-a placut niciodata, pentru ca niciodata nu am stiut ce asteptari sa am de la cariera mea. Dar acum, intrebarea aceasta este mai usoara ca niciodata. Sunt sigura ca ByKaterina va creste in urmatorii 5 ani. Insa nu sunt asa sigura daca mi-as dori asta. Este perfect exact unde este atat timp cat pot sa tin totul in frau de una singura. O sa o iau usor si o sa las By Katerina sa ajunga acolo unde trebuie, continuand sa fac ce imi place.



Mai este ceva despre care ai vrea sa vorbesti si nu am intrebat?


Despre cum imi ingrijesc parul   Glumesc! Doar ca de fiecare data cand incurajam oamenii sa ma intrebe ce vor sa stie despre mine si munca mea, aveam o gramada de intrebari despre parul cret 



Looking at all of By Katerina’s wonderful crochet patterns, I can’t help but dream of which ones would be wonderful in different yarns I see from all the amazing yarn dyers out there. :). As such I have created some fun crochet pattern-yarn combinations below and would love to see what else you recommend or make!

One of my favorite shirt patterns by Katerina is the Starry Night Blouse. I could see this be made in any of Jerica (YarnHookNeedles) new yarn collection but could especially see it in either the daring Shipwreck, beautiful Kansas Wildflower, or yummy Berry Burst colorways. :) Hmmm...might have to get some myself soon and make it!!


The Mood Stitches Scarf is a beautiful design that would be stunning if you paired up Blue Barn Fiber's lovely Sterling Silver with either the beautiful Sapphire or the simply stunning Mountain Tops (I love this one and will have to get some myself!!!) You can also find out more about Holly and her Blue Barn Fiber shop in her Maker Feature with us.


The Rainy Cloud Jumper looks so comfy and perfect for fall or winter and it would go perfectly with one of these gorgeous colorways from Mothy and the Squid to include the beautiful, sparkly Midnight Sky Sparkle Sock, or if you want more of a fall feeling the Horse Chestnut is a perfect colorway, and for Christmas/winter would be the Poinsettia Sparkle. Although she has tons more wonderful colorways in her shop perfect for so many projects! You can also find out more about Mothy and the Squid in her Maker Feature with us.

Thank you for joining us for this interview in both English and Romanian with By Katerina! And thank you Catalina for taking the time to not only do the interview with us but to also translate it into Romanian. :). We’d love to hear from you! What is your favorite By Katerina pattern that you’ve made or want to make? And what maker do you recommend next for an interview? Please email us or comment below and keep safe my friend!

Michele ThymmonsComment