Crochet with Joanna's Crochet Things

Have you ever seen gorgeous crochet items or worked through a fun and awesome crochet pattern and wanted to learn more about the crochet designer behind the pattern? We had the honor of interviewing Tacia of Joannna’s Crochet Things about how she started, her inspirations, and even some advice she has for fellow women entrepreneurs. :) You can also find her crochet designs here and on her Ravelry and Tacia’s updates as well as behind the scenes on her Instagram Profile. Tacia also is behind the Half Double Crochet Back Loop Only Crochet Tutorial that is a part of our Crochet Stitches Tutorial Series.

Crochet Designing with Joanna’s Crochet Things

By Michele of VAMICreations and Tacia of Joanna’s Crochet Things 

How did you start Joanna’s Crochet Things?

One of Joanna’s Crochet Things’ gorgeous shawls

One of Joanna’s Crochet Things’ gorgeous shawls


Well, it started out of necessity at the time. I had made things here and there for friends and family members over the years but in 2018 I really had to make a decision on whether or not I wanted to pursue this as a side business. I work a job during the day so I needed to create some sort of schedule/structure for myself if this was going to happen. I struggled in the beginning (as most do and still do) to find that work/life balance. 


 How things really got started though… my cousin had moved into a new home and I wanted to give her something that was different. I made her an amigurumi elephant in purple which matched her color theme for her home. The next day I woke up to all types of messages in my inbox on my personal Facebook page( I didn’t have a business page yet) because she had tagged me in the photo that she took of the elephant. At the time, I had just bought and registered my domain name and my blog and then I realized that I needed a seperate social media account because important updates on family and friends that didn’t live close were getting buried from requests. So I set up my Instagram Business Account and at the time in order to do that you had to also set up a Facebook business page (I still don’t know how to really work I routed people there because some of the requests that I was getting to make certain things were let’s just say I wouldn’t feel comfortable making or having my name attached to it. The rest has kind of been a blur ever since that day.


What gave you the idea/inspiration?


My inspiration actually came from a want, not necessarily a need but a want for better accessories that didn’t cost this exorbitant amount of money. I went into the Gap one day years ago and saw a decorative scarf that I wanted to purchase and when I looked at the price tag it was $50. I got very upset that the scarf cost that much and it really was just a simple crochet stitch and the material that it was made of wasn’t exactly premium enough to warrant a scarf that was machine made and not hand made to cost that much. So I left and went up the street to my local Joann’s and purchased pretty much the identical yarn along with a few other colorways and some hooks and made about 6 of the same scarf and only spent maybe $25.

That’s what really gave me the idea/inspiration to get back into crochet. I had learned as a child but lost interest in it and didn’t pick it back up until that fateful day at the Gap. 



Tell us a little about yourself.


Gorgeous Shawl from Joanna’s Crochet Things

Gorgeous Shawl from Joanna’s Crochet Things

I’m a Michigan native born and raised. I love to travel, take photos of where I visit, eat great food and hang out at home with my yarn, hooks, knitting needles, a great audiobook, and a good binge watch of anything that is suspenseful. I’m what most would call an ambivert and that’s a recent thing. Before I was a true introvert that loved staying at home (I still do) and very much to myself. When I started working in the field that I currently work in I had to come out of my shell alot. Doctors will most definitely ignore and run all over you if you don’t speak up and stand your ground with them. It took me a while but I’ve come into my own.  Speaking of doctors, I work in the medical field specifically Cancer Research. I’m going to be honest, not sure how I landed in this particular field but it has been so rewarding and heartbreaking at times. Knowing that my little contribution will help others fulfills me with joy and gratefulness.


How long has Joanna’s Crochet Things been around?


Officially since the fall of 2018. That’s when I got serious about turning it into a business. I wasn't prepared for what was to come but my gosh has it been a ride.


What is Joanna’s Crochet Things all about?


That’s a great question!! I would say Joanna’s Crochet Things is about simple simple designs that are classic in style but may have a whimsical touch with the materials that designs are made from.  


How do you choose the designs you create?


Gorgeous Crochet Hats by Joanna’s Crochet Things

Gorgeous Crochet Hats by Joanna’s Crochet Things

As I stated before my designs are a little selfish. I create what ” I “ want to wear and not necessarily what the trends are. I find inspiration from everywhere, whether I’m taking a walk at work on my lunch break and seeing beautiful brickwork or I might see a color palette on Pinterest that I would want to make into a design. I sit down and think of what I want to make, most times it’s a shawl/scarf because I’m forever freezing cold, other times it’s earwarmers because big curly hair and hats don’t always get I do love designing hats though because Michigan winters can be brutal.


How do you choose the yarn you use?


I think of the design first, then I think about the time of year it is and what type of fabric that I want to create. Depending on those factors I will go into my yarn stash and see what I have, if I don’t have the right yarn I’ll go to my local crafts stores to see what they have in stock. I try to use mainstream yarns because this is an expensive craft to be in. I never want someone to think that they have to spend $36 on a skein of yarn from an indie dyer ( whom I love but it’s not always cost effective) to create one of my designs. I know that local craft stores always have sales and coupons that can be used to lower the cost of the materials needed to complete the project.


What has inspired you to create different designs and other pieces?


One design of mine I have yet to write the pattern for was inspired by a building close to my job that I always walked by and never noticed until one day I decided to look up. I snapped so many pictures because I loved the color palette and went home to see if I  could find yarn in those exact colors and I did. The design is a very simple granny stitch triangle shawl but I think it’s an awesome interpretation of the photo taken. One other design I created  was my “Falling Waters” shawl, because sometimes when we do create triangle shawls they don’t always stay on your shoulders. So I took the unconventional route and  made a semi-circle design that lays over your shoulders and you don’t have to worry about raising your arms and it falling off. That is one of my absolute favorite designs actually.


What are your favorite designs to work with?


Beautiful Crochet Scarf by Joanna’s Crochet Things

Beautiful Crochet Scarf by Joanna’s Crochet Things

I like simple designs. Not too complicated where me as the designer is tearing my hair out trying to figure out the best way to verbalize what I’ve just created. I also keep them simple so my tech editor Emily won’t send my pattern back with a thousand tracked



What would you tell a new designer or crocheter for encouragement?


Just go for it. Be true to yourself and don’t let others' success get you down. You’ll  get to where you want to be in time but you also have to put in the work. Never doubt your skill set because it will show, trust me. Remember that even though there may be 10 shawl patterns that look the same as yours, your design is unique to you. Also,  just have fun, things will get very burdensome and overwhelming very quickly if you forget why you started this journey in the first place. 


What is something you are passionate about and why? ☺


I’m passionate about food and Crochet. I know it’s not the conventional answer to give but I love food. I love to cook and I also to experience other cultures through food. I love hearing the stories behind dishes and how they were created or passed down from generation to generation. Food and Fiber arts can bring people together in so many ways because they’re both such common threads that no one would expect to be weaved together.


If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?


Crochet Hat

First it would be to go for it. It doesn’t matter if you feel the market is saturated, trust me every market is saturated these days because everyone wants a piece of success. You just have to put on your big girl undies and go for it.  


Second, make sure you know who your target audience is and what your design aesthetic and niche is going to be. For example. I love making accessories like hats, scarves and shawls. Find what you love making and let that start you off. You can always venture off into other areas but I would definitely say your audience, aesthetic and your niche are the top 3 things.


Third, study your craft. Buy reference books, maybe take a class locally and YouTube. I know most of us are done with school but we should never stop learning, especially when it comes to being an entrepreneur. It’s nice to look at what you’ve done but don’t forget to plan ahead as well. You never know where you’ll end up. 


 And lastly, use your friends and family to promote you and your work. When they ask you for your service, even if they’re paying you, use them as models and promoters. I know that as I design more I’m not as comfortable in front of the camera  modeling my designs so you see a lot of my dress form but I have friends, coworkers and family that aren’t camera shy. Get them as excited and involved as you are. Trust me free labor is awesome until you build your portfolio and use professional photographers and models ( if you choose to do so).


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?


Beautiful Crochet Shawl by Joanna’s Crochet Things

Beautiful Crochet Shawl by Joanna’s Crochet Things

 It’s okay to say” No”and to fail. I knew it would be hard and it has been but no one ever told me that it’s okay to say “No” to collabs, companies that don’t line up with your brand or providing your service to someone. It’s perfectly okay to want what you want and not feel like you missed an opportunity. Trust me I’ve felt that way in the past and bigger and better things came my way when I just gave myself a little grace, a lot of gumption to go for what I wanted and know that you are good enough.


What is your dream for Joanna’s Crochet Things to be (where do you see Joanna’s Crochet Things in 5+ years)?


I’ve been asked this question so many times recently. I see Joanna’s Crochet Things being  mainstream in the next 5 years. I’m not trying to rush things and I take on many opportunities that come my way. I would love to continue to work with the companies that I work with now and to expand to working with other mainstream companies. I want to add other crafts to my business like, diy’s for your home, crafts that you can do with your children, knitting patterns, doing more on my recently started YouTube channel (i.e- yarn reviews and weekly chats) and making my blog the best that it can be. I want to put together blog hops and participate in maker meetups… the possibilities are endless. I don’t think it’s anything wrong with having big dreams, you just can’t let fear of failing stop you from dreaming big. I never would’ve thought that I would’ve been here 5 years ago and look at me now. I can’t wait to share my journey with everyone and I hope you all stay along for the ride.


Is there anything you would like to talk about that we did not ask about? 


One question that I always get is why I named my business what I named it. Everyone’s like, your name is Tacia and I don’t see that in your business name at all. When I explain to them that I named my business after both of my grandmother’s Joan and Anna they get it. Though my mom’s mother has long since passed away, I still have my dad’s mom Joan still here. It’s my way of knowing that I’ll always have a piece of them with me always.

And for those that are interested in Crochet here are a number of articles within this website that are focused on Crochet. :) It is the most written about topic here because it is what I know best but I’m starting to round out the other topics as well. If there is something you would like to know more about either with Crochet or another topic, just send me a note or comment below. :). And I can’t wait to see what you make!!!

Two of Wand’s Gorgeous Fireside Wrap that started my obsession with all things Color Made Easy yarn! :)

Two of Wand’s Gorgeous Fireside Wrap that started my obsession with all things Color Made Easy yarn! :)

Crochet Stitch Tutorials are all about you learning different crochet stitches and each tutorial is completed by a different crochet designer :) so it’s a great way for you to learn a new crochet stitch and meet new crochet designers!! I have loved each new tutorial and meeting each of these crochet designers.

Color Made Easy Yarn is one of my favorite types of yarns, and I’ve created a Review and list of patterns you can use with either Color Made Easy Yarn or any size 5 yarn.

Crochet Pattern Writing with Fiber and Fern not only introduces you to a great crochet design but also gives you resources to start crochet (or knit) pattern writing yourself!

The Ultimate List of the Most Gorgeous Crochet Hooks on Etsy is just that, a massive list of shops to find gorgeous crochet hooks on Etsy. :) I have found some of my favorites on there and always keep an eye out for unique crochet hooks.

Wood Carving with Miramarwoods is an inside look into a wonderful hand carver of crochet hooks. She’s on the list of the Ultimate List of Crochet Hooks and also has several crochet patterns out that I’ve done and highly recommend.

Wilma - Thriving as a Crochet Designer with Facial Differences is an amazing inspirational interview with a wonderful woman - Wilma - who has created so many beautiful and stunning crochet designs while encouraging those with facial differences. Having hearing aids myself, this interview was an inspiration and encouragement to do and post. :).

YarnHookNeedles is a wonderful person and has described her tips for starting a blog in her maker feature. She has an amazing website where you can also learn Tunisan Crochet - which is next on my list to learn!!!

Step-by-Step Blocking Tutorial teaches you how to block your handmade items regardless of whether they are crochet or knitting. I walked through how to block an item as I did several of my own and found it was so worth the research and time!

Bluprint Review and Tutorial is for those that want more lessons on crochet, knitting, painting, bead making, sewing, cooking, and sooooo much more! I LOVE Bluprint and did a full review of what to expect as well as a step-by-step tutorial for those that want to start taking classes now. :) Highly recommended and I still use my membership for classes and to purchase items.

Hand Dyed Yarn is one of my favorite types of yarn to work with! And I’ve loved to interview and highlight indie yarn dyers for you to learn about and see their amazing yarn!!! You can find the list here of posts for each indie yarn dyer we have interviewed as well as the Ultimate List of Yarn Dyers on Instagram - over 90!!! Each maker feature for an indie yarn dyer will also have a number of other resources at the end of the feature. These resources include everything from business grants (Starting a Business with Online With Needle Rebellion) to where to find natural dyes (Yarn Dyeing with Fireweed Fibres).

Step-by-Step Yarn Dyeing with Highfiberartz is literally a completely detailed step-by-step tutorial in how to dye your own yarn, complete with tips and links on where to find the recommended equipment. Liz of Highfiberartz is one of my favorite fiber artists and a close friend whom I highly recommend :). You’ll find me creating a number of sweaters and shirts for myself with many of her yarns. :)

Thank you for joining us for this Maker Feature with Joanna’s Crochet Things! I’d also love to hear from you about what types of resources you want more information on as well as Makers you would like to nominate for a Maker Feature! Please email me or leave a comment on this article!  Looking forward to hearing from you and have a great day!

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