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The Ultimate List of Creative Community Encouragement During COVID-19 Pandemic

Hello my friend, thank you for joining us on this Ultimate List of Creative Community Encouragement. Seeing how much this global pandemic has affected the world from lockdowns to fear of going out and even of talking with or touching others to businesses going out of business and others thriving, I wanted to gather a number of those in the Creative Community’s responses to COVID and the things that they have found that have helped them during this incredibly trying time as an encouragement for you. :). This list originally started out from a conversation with my husband and grew from there :)

By Michele Thymmons

The two main questions I have asked from a number of people in the creative community are the following:

  1. How has COVID-19 impacted/changed your vision/strategy?

  2. What is something that has helped you get through everything during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

I would also LOVE to hear from you!! What has helped you through this time? Let me know via comment below or email me and I’ll add you to the list!! :) :)

The below are in alphabetical order by type of creative entrepreneur and the list will be continually added to as I receive more responses. :)

Clay Sculptors:

Dragon of My Dreams Adorable Dragon

Dragon of My Dreams - USA Clay Dragon Sculptor. You can find out more about April and see her adorable and fun dragons in her interview with us as well as learn to sculpt your own sea dragon in her step-by-step tutorial.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision / strategy?

Oddly enough, I have become more connected to people than I was before. I'm trying to be more conscientious about checking in on people that I don't see pop up in my social media as often as they did. Be they fellow artists, followers, or friends, I try to keep up with people better. With everything going on in the world, many times just popping in to say hello can brighten a person's day more than you realize. It might be just what that person needs that day. 

What is something that has helped you get through this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

Hope. Hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Hope that tomorrow will find us a bit kinder, a bit more understanding, a bit more helpful towards our fellow man. Hope that the numbers will be lower and that there will be a light at the end of the dark tunnel. It's the hope that I hold tightly to each and every day and is fed by the selfless acts of kindness I see shared.  And for me, hope has been my stronghold. With everything that not only my country, but the world has faced this year, I don't know what I would have done without the hope that things will get better, that we will beat the pandemic, and that we will come out stronger on the other side. I encourage everyone to find something, even if it seems small, that gives you some hope each and every day, because the more people that hang onto hope, the better things are going to be. 

Ayslyn’s Aviary Clay Dragon

Ayslyn’s Aviary - USA Clay Dragon Sculptor. You can find out more about Whitney and see her sweet dragons in her interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Not as much as a lot of people, I’m sure. COVID has definitely made me aware of how vulnerable my supply chains are and how quickly shortages happen. In the past, I’ve always allowed myself “sick time” so I’m never touching any of my workspace while ill, so my general health precautions haven’t changed too much. I’m also working with returning customers especially around tighter budgets, trying to find a balance between still feeding people’s dragon needs and needing funds to actually run a business.


What is something that has helped you get through the during this global pandemic?

I’m pretty introverted so it took a lot longer for that pandemic fatigue to hit me than I think it did others, but once it did I held onto my Pathfinder and D&D groups really hard. One was already online so it didn’t change at all, but having that bit of interaction and being able to forget being me and step into a fantasy landscape for a while has continued to be one of my favorite parts of every week.

Creative Business Resources:

Charlotte O’Hara - Squarespace SEO Expert - you can find more about her on her website and she has become my go-to for all things Squarespace SEO. :)

When Covid hit, I doubled down on content creation for my audience, often through live video. I hosted lots of live Q&As, recorded tutorials and trainings, ran Masterclasses, anything to connect with my people and give them the most value possible during a very stressful time. I used to shy away from video content so this really pushed me out of my comfort zone but it has been a total game changer - I learned so much, strengthened relationships and inadvertently grew my business at the same time! This also taught me that video content is a MUST moving forward so I've had to adjust my content strategy accordingly.

Angela Vaz - Illustrator and Blogger at Stray Curls - you can find more about her on her website and she always brings a smile to my face with her illustrations and blogging resources. You’ll also be able to find out more about her in her interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision / strategy?

Covid taught me that nothing in this world is certain. Things can change at a moment’s notice and as Entrepreneurs who are making it on our own, we need to have a back up plan or constantly be in the frontlines, coming up with new ideas. 

Online business is thriving at this point and a lot more people are working from home. So, this is the best time to start an online business and actually pursue your dream of providing value to people all over the world. 

But be prepared for adversity at all times. Constantly tweak strategies. Watch your competitors to learn how they’re facing the tide and never give up your dream. 

What is something that has helped you get through this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

The pandemic however dreadful, has given us a lot of quiet time. 

I’m reading a lot more books that deal with personal growth so I can work on myself. I’ve started giving more time to my dogs and I’m now taking extra care with what I eat. 

However, with all positives comes a negative. And the loneliness can sometimes be a little daunting. 

The one thing that helped me through this is keeping in touch with people who really matter to me. We have tons of acquaintances and contacts on our phones. But the people who we really reach out to are probably less than 10. Keep these people close. They need you just as much as you need them. 

Leaving voice notes for my family friends has proved to be very therapeutic. Receiving them feels like Christmas morning. 

This pandemic has taught us to focus on what really matters. And it’s been an eye opening experience to me so far. 

Amira - A Self Guru and you can find out more about her legal templates for your business in her interview as well as 7 Ways to Keep Your Business Legal

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

COVID has shown an increase in online learning since more people are at home. Every day, we see a slew of new online businesses spring up. So, because I had my online business before COVID, my strategy hasn't changed much. My focus is still on creating valuable online content and videos to connect with my audience and help solve their legal and business problems.


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

Two things: Gratitude and a supportive Facebook community 

Gratitude- I am always grateful for what I have in life and choose to see things in a positive light even when things do not go my way. This, I believe, has contributed to my success. 

As entrepreneurs, we often focus on what we DON'T have, but we must shift our attention to what we DO have! I noticed that when I began to be grateful for what I had accomplished, I began to receive more abundance in return.

Build a supportive community – Entrepreneurship can be a lonely experience, and you will need support from others to stay positive. For example, whenever I'm feeling down or simply need help, I turn to my Facebook community of entrepreneurs and friends for advice and support. 

This is the same community that helped me recover from an unexpected major surgery earlier this year, during COVID! And it was their loving support and encouragement that helped me recover and return to work.


TL Yarn Crafts - USA Crocheter and Tunisian Crocheter Extraordinare. You can find out more about Toni, her awesome designs and much more on her interview with us.

Toni of TL Yarn Crafts

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

As an entrepreneur, I try to look for positive opportunities when it comes to major changes like a global health crisis. I'm grateful to be in an industry that provides education, comfort, and encouragement to makers. I had the unique chance to find others like me who were interested in developing a new skill in response to having to stay home. During the pandemic, I've adjusted my focus to producing even more educational AND encouraging content. One week, I might share a new pattern, while the following week I share an uplifting word. That balance has helped me to stay focused and positive over the last many months. 


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

My saving grace through the pandemic has been staying in touch with the people, both within and outside of the maker world, who feed my spirit. I've developed closer relationships with family and friends because I don't take them for granted like I once did. I talk to my mom and best friend more often, and I have a solid group of maker friends that I can always lean on. Those bonds have kept my spirits up in especially challenging times. 

Joanna’s Crochet Things - USA Crocheter. You can find out more about her and see more of her amazing designs on her interview with us and her HDC Back Loop Only Crochet Stitch Tutorial.

Joanna’s Crochet Things Crochet Shawl

How has COVID changed or impacted my vision/strategy?

It has changed drastically. I went from being able to compartmentalize my everyday job from my handmade business to having them both meshed together all at one time. I'm used to going into the hospital and doing my administrative work to then come home and decompress from the stress of my job with my crochet and knitting. 

 I've found myself in a bit of a tail spin since March trying to find that balance again with my new normal. My pattern designs have slowed down greatly and you know what, I'm okay with that. I'm finding myself having to be available for work during hours that I normally don't have to be. So my vision/strategy has had to change drastically. My weekends are spent working on designs and my blog. Trying to do it all was causing me to have more anxiety on top of the anxiety I already had from the Pandemic. So once the new week starts, unless I've signed a contract to create a sample or pattern, I don't pick up my hook or needles until Friday evening when I log off from work. 

The time off during the week has allowed me to interact more on my Instagram account with other makers which I'm loving right now. Before, I was too caught up and busy to interact as much as I wanted. Now, I can scroll my feed and comment more which makes for great conversations and interactions that are much needed since it's still encouraged to practice social distancing. 

What is something that has helped me get through during this pandemic? 

 Something that is helping me get through this pandemic, especially in the beginning, is speaking with others. Knowing that I wasn't the only person having severe anxiety stemming from all of this, I know it may sound crazy, but I provided a form of comfort. It's nothing wrong with being vulnerable, even on the internet, with your peers. I also took up another hobby which is hand dyeing my own yarn. That really helped calm my anxiety along with getting my feelings out. I got to put all of my frustrations and nervous energy to make unique colorways just for me.

Crochet Bag by the Hook Pusher

The Hook Pusher - Canadian Crochet Designer. You can also find some of her work in her first single crochet stitch tutorial with us and more about her in her upcoming interview with us.

How has COVID-19 impacted/changed your vision/strategy?

Covid has impacted my strategy by pushing me forward to get my yarn in an online shop. I had been procrastinating accomplishing the daunting process of setting up e-commerce and it really has worked out great, although it’s always going to be a work in progress. 

I also changed my crochet club to zoom and it opened it up to crocheters worldwide. Now that we are back in person, there is still a zoom element and I’ve made lifelong friends just by inviting people from my Instagram that I didn’t know, but followed their accounts! 

What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

Something that has helped me get through has definitely been the fact that my job basically requires me to stay home and make stuff. It’s kept me from being as social as I’d usually be during the summer. The yarn company I purchase from did not shut down either, and that was a very huge help to me. If they had shut down, I wouldn’t have been able to do doorstep yarn deliveries while the big box stores were shut down.

Stitch of Nature - Crochet Designer. You can also find her beautiful work in her interview with us as well as her Wattle Stitch Tutorial with us.

How has COVID-19 impacted/changed your vision/strategy?

Stitch of Nature’s Crochet Shawl

Covid impacted us financially as it left my husband out of work. With me full time in school and not able to homeschool kids, he had to stay home to take on this duty. As a breadwinner, I felt more motivated and inspired to work more to help our family. I have a million of ideas as always and creating new designs is my passion. It definitely helped me to take my mind off of the problems and constant thinking and worrying about the pandemic. The pandemic situation showed how little we are prepared for such a crisis. My strategy and vision for my business haven't changed as I continue to stay positive and create whenever I have an opportunity for people who appreciate my talent and might have more time now to use it.

What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

This is a challenging time for many people, especially people who live alone and elderly. They might feel isolated, lonely and more vulnerable. My family's support and creativity helped me in the past and is still helping to get through these tough times. If you have neighbors that are elderly, lonely and need help, knock on their door, ask if they need anything... something from the grocery store, errand to run, etc. You will make their day and feel like you have done something important and worthy. Stay positive and kind!

Hook Yarn Carabiner crocheting surrounded by mountains and forests

HookYarnCarabiner - US Crochet Designer. You can read more about her in her interview with us as well as her Puff Stitch crochet stitch tutorial. She focuses on crochet pieces inspired by the great outdoors and has started the #wildyarning hashtag on Instagram.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

The extra stress and unknowns has definitely slowed down my pattern design rate. It also happened to happen when fiber arts are already slowing down for summer, so it is not surprising, but I did feel like my ‘cro-jo’ has not been back to normal yet. I am looking forward to a cozy winter, though I already feel the stress of getting patterns out in time for the holidays - there’s always so much to be done!

What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

I took up quilting during covid and learning a new skill has been so helpful. I really like the slow aspect of quilting too, and the meditative feeling of piecing each square together. Crochet has been less of a stress reliever than usual and I think that is because I normally am busier in the summer getting outdoors and naturally crochet less during this time, but because of the extra time at home, my seasonal schedule is all out of whack. I plan to take some ceramics classes this winter and it is nice to have some creative and new things to look forward to while everything is so different this year.


Jo Painter - UK Illustrator. You can find out more about her in her interview with us.

Archeron Sisters from Sarah J. Maas’ book series; Illustrated by Jo Painter

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

I think it’s impacted my mentality towards work more than anything. It’s reminded me how important it is to take breaks and let your mind and creativity rest. Something I’m not very good at is turning the off switch on, so having to stay home and loosing out on my social life a bit has forced me to not loose myself in work and actually take time for myself, whether that’s taking a walk in the surrounding countryside or reading a good book. I’ve also realised how important it is to make content that is available to people online. I think the internet and the access to entertainment that we have nowadays has been a real saviour during lockdown, so making sure that my work is easily accessible to my audience is a must. 

What is something that has helped you get through, during this global pandemic?  Something that is encouraging or a positive thing for you?

Learning that its okay to take a break and that ‘doing nothing’ is actually achieving something as you are giving your mind and body a rest! Rest days are so important - especially when you do a creative job. Re-kindling my love of reading has also helped me immensely. Getting lost in a story that is worlds away from our own has been therapeutic and I’ve totally fallen in love with YA and fantasy again, particularly anything that deals with romance, so I’ve been devouring books and quickly making my way through my ‘TBR’ (to be read) list!

Indie Yarn Dyers:

Blue Mule Fiber’s colorful yarn collection

Blue Mule Fiber - USA Indie Yarn Dyer and Wine Maker Extraordinare. You can find out more about them and see more of their amazing yarn in their interview with us.

How has COVID-19 impacted/changed your vision/strategy?

COVID has been really hard on the Fiber/Yarn industry because it just isn’t made for social distancing 😊. Yarn people like community and physically squishing yarn. Our vision/strategy is to do our best to hang in there until things open back up.

What is something that has helped you get through everything during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

And we are doing that by staying positive and focused on a time in the near future where we can be together again. In the meantime we are staying connected to immediate family and we stay active with our yarn family through social media, email, messenger, phone calls. We continue to dye yarn each week and fill internet orders and shop orders. We have actually been blessed to participate in a couple of yarn crawl trunk shows recently and it was so good to see people in person! Things are going to get better. It’s our mantra!

Needle Rebellion and some of her products

Needle Rebellion - USA Indie Yarn Seller. You can find out more about her and her online yarn store in her interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy? 

COVID has caused me to pull back from my yarn shop. I am a Nurse Practitioner so my focus has been shifted more to patient care. I provide care for post Kidney/Pancreas Transplant which is a high risk group for COVID. 


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

My focus throughout this whole pandemic has been taking care of my patients. Making sure my patients can still receive the best healthcare despite the pandemic. So, my patients have been what has kept me going because I can’t let them down. 

Jewelry Makers:

Nicole of The Crafty Taco Makers - Jewelry Maker.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

I have been a stay-at-home parent for about 13 years, so I was already used to being home! My family is lucky that we have had a pretty easy time of things. I do feel like my creativity has been stunted by stress and worry. I am in a higher risk group, so worrying about keeping my family healthy has definitely distracted me this year.


What is something that has helped you get through the during this global pandemic?

Getting out in nature! It is so easy to sit at home and let the days bleed into one another. And sometimes for “housewives” and “moms”, a weekly trip to Target or the grocery is about the most adventure we see. I know that there are a lot of days where I ask my kids or my husband what day it is with 100% seriousness. Recently, in California (and my area specifically) we have had a ton of fires. I noticed the defined change in attitude when my family was confined indoors due to smoke and ash. Just going to the beach and watching the waves, or even taking a walk around the neighborhood, is just plain good for the mind.

 A nice box of crayons doesn’t hurt things either. And I personally think a person can never have too much yarn.


Elizabeth Schowachert Sumi-E artwork

Elizabeth Schowachert - Sumi-E artist. You can find out more about her and see her gorgeous artwork in her interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Since I am primarily an online seller (own and operate my own store) COVID has not had a huge impact on how I run my day to day business. In fact, I had a significant spike in traffic in March and April of this year (everyone was home surfing the net during lock down!) which helped my business a lot. Things have now slowed down traffic wise, but business is still moving forward. As creatives we do have the ability to run our own businesses, it is not easy, but it can be done. In terms of my overall strategy, that also has not dramatically changed. I work hard to ensure that I am generating sufficient traffic to my site, that really is the key once you have everything else in place. 


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

Being steadfast, not panicking and staying on course by doing the things that you know work. It can be scary, relying only on yourself/your business for your income. It is risky, but at the same time, you also don't have to rely on someone else. You are the driver, the owner and that also has it advantages (like taking an afternoon nap if it is needed lol). 

The Fluid Fox artwork

The Fluid Fox - UK based multi-media artist. You can find out more about Katie’s stunning work in her interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Yes definitely, although artwork is selling still, it’s usually the smaller pieces that continue to sell, so over the UK lockdown period a lot of people were at home, looking to learn new things or develop on their skills, so I have written two guides over this period to help other artists evolve their trades and skills. One is ‘The Fluid Acrylic and Top Coating E-Guide’ and the newest one is ‘The Abstract Resin Art E-Guide’. I did them as e-guides so they were more easily accessible worldwide and without worrying as much about delivery delays across the world which was an issue at some points of the lockdown.

What is something that has helped you get through, during this global pandemic?  Something that is encouraging or a positive thing for you?

My art is what got me through, 1000%. It is the way I escape, so I started created larger work over the lockdown period as well to pass the time, as well as writing the guide, overall the pandemic has been a time of focus for my business so it has been a positive thing for me as a person to sit down and write down all of my business plans and begin executing them.

Creative Whispers of the Heart - US based alcohol ink artist. You can find our more about Debra’s gorgeous work in her interview with us and her guest post Marketing Art in Turbulent Times.

© Debra Jason. All rights reserved.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

It’s because of COVID that I began to paint with alcohol inks again. I’m now looking at the possibility of shifting my copywriting/speaking business toward dedicating more time to Creative Whispers of the Heart.

What is something that has helped you get through, during this global pandemic? Something that is encouraging or a positive thing for you?

Not to be redundant, but as mentioned throughout, painting with alcohol inks has been the silver lining of the pandemic for me. It has been meditative as an art form. What started out as a creative way to spend my time has turned into a way to inspire and uplift others. The positive feedback I receive from them has encouraged me to continue pursuing this creative endeavor.

Having a close network of family, friends and business colleagues has also helped me during the pandemic. And, getting out in nature, taking long walks and soaking up the beauty that surrounds me here in Colorado helps one remember that it’s important to be grateful – even for the little things.

Tiffany Dnaka Pet Portrait

Tiffany Dnaka - USA based artist. Find out more about her in her interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Covid is what brought Tiffany Dnaka to Etsy, I saw so many people take on “hobbies” and I really wanted to use some of my spare time to be creative. So, for me Covid allowed me to express my creativity.

What is something that has helped you get through, during this global pandemic? Something that is encouraging or a positive thing for you?

My dog! He has been such a life saver. I lost my other one a little over a year ago and I rescued Finn shortly after. If I didn’t have a dog during

this pandemic, I feel like I would lose my mind! I need routine and to be responsible for something other than myself and I love that he fulfills that and keeps me sane.

Paper Art:

AQartStudio - Quiller. Find out more about her in her upcoming interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Well a lot but not in a bad way at all. My vision at the beginning of what has happen in the world was that maybe with my art will be over. Who wants to bay art in a apocalypses that is going on in the whole world but strangely enough orders kept coming and even doubled. Now my vision is just keep creating and even doing more and more new designs as it is obvious that people like my creations and keep purchasing my art.

What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

My creative process was my helper. Sitting with my colorful strips was the way to escape from the chaos of the outside world. Another thing that has helped me was the foundation that I have more capacity that I've ever thought I have. I was able to take so many orders and sitting and creating for hours and hours, sometimes whole night. That is something that help me realize when it is dark and difficult time you have the opportunity to develop enormous strength. So I found positivity and strength in my art and in myself.


Creeks Edge Studio photography

Creeks Edge Studio - Photographer and you can find out more about her in her interview with us.

How has COVID-19 impacted/changed your vision/strategy?

COVID, if anything has allowed me more time to focus on the studio. Actually the studio has been a good diversion to all the sad/bad news. I've taken a realistic look at my product offerings and pricing as people are watching their dollars. Not that I felt my items were overpriced but I wanted to make sure they were reasonable. I am also more focused on the practical but cute.

What is something that has helped you get through everything during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

I have tried to look for inspiration in the outdoors, watching the birds or just sitting in quiet reflection. Find an uplifting book and read it daily!! I think COVID should be taken very seriously and that precautions are necessary/required but you can't allow all the headline news to overwhelm you. So if you can get outside, do so......and breathe.

Wood Carving:

KM Wood Designs Most Popular Seller Bethlehem Olivewood Faith Hope Love Pen

KM Wood Designs - Wood worker creating pens, jewelry and more. You can find out more about them in his interview with us.

How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

Because of the COVID situation, I’ve had to work through delays in material and supplies shipments, which was especially trying during the holiday season. Also, there were no vendor shows, which made networking and product sales through that route essentially non-existent.

What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

My day job is at one of the local healthcare facilities. Being in the shop on my days off and turning wood on the lathe is truly therapeutic for me. The stress of my day job can get pretty high at times and tuning out from it all by focusing on the beauty of the grain coming through as I turn helps manage that.

Thank you for joining us for reading through this great groups of creative’s encouragements :). No matter what happens during this next year of 2021, know you are not alone and that you have friends within the creative community that are going through the same thing you are. May this year be a great and creative one for you and full of health and wellness. :)

If there are makers you recommend to be featured or if you are a creative and would like to add to this list, please email me or comment below.

See this gallery in the original post