Jewelry Making with BlanchardBeauties

Have you ever seen gorgeous, handmade jewelry and wanted to learn more about the person behind it or what inspired them to create each stunning piece? Maddie of BlanchardBeauties tells us not only what inspires her with each new piece but also gives first time entrepreneurs advice from when she first started as well as things she wish she would have known before starting her business.

You can find more of her works and purchase her pieces on her Etsy Shop as well as find behind the scenes and get some of the inside scope on her latest projects on her Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Jewelry Making with BlanchardBeauties

By Michele of VAMICreations and Maddie of BlanchardBeauties

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What gave you the idea/inspiration to start BlanchardBeauties?

I’ve enjoyed making jewelry as a hobby for a long time, but I eventually got to the point where I was making more jewelry than I knew what to do with, so I began the business as a way to sustain my hobby! I figured I would start an Etsy shop and sell some of my work in order to make enough money for new materials – thankfully, over the years the BlanchardBeauties has grown beyond that original goal!


How did you get started in making jewelry?

I’ve been making jewelry for fun since my early teens – it began as a fun hobby making bracelets for my friends and family. Some of my family members still have those first bracelets :)


How do you choose the stones and glass you work with?

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One of my primary materials is sea glass, all of which is hand collected by myself or other trusted collectors. When choosing what pieces to use for jewelry, they must be completely smooth (no rough edges or chips) and the shape needs to be conducive to wire wrapping (this has been learned through trial and error). As far as other materials I use, a lot of it comes down to which stones stand out to me as unique and beautiful and I go from there!


How do you choose the jewelry designs you create – ie is there something that you take inspiration from when you start a piece?

A good deal of my inspiration comes from the materials themselves – their shape, texture, and color inspire my designs. Nature itself also inspires me, which is why I use primarily natural materials.


What is your favorite style of design (ring, earring, necklace, etc.) and stone/glass to work with?

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Sea glass is my favorite material to work with – each piece is completely unique! I also love working with Herkimer Diamonds (a gorgeous form of quartz), freshwater pearls, and lava stone. Earrings and necklaces are my favorite pieces to design.


What would you tell a new designer for encouragement?

Keep creating and keep honing your craft! Mastery isn’t instantaneous – it takes a lot of trial and error. Hang on to some of your original designs to look back on - when I look at pieces I designed 3 years ago, I can see the progress I’ve made in those 3 years, which is incredibly encouraging.


What is something you are passionate about and why?

I’m passionate about supporting small businesses because I understand first-hand the impact that shopping small can have. I’m also passionate about environmentally sustainable business practices – I’m inspired by the natural world, so I want to do what I can to protect it! I still have a long way to go, but I make a conscious effort to buy as many of my materials as I can from other small businesses, and I try to reduce my environmental impact by using recycled materials like sea glass. I am also moving towards compostable mailers, since the majority of my sales during the pandemic have required shipping.


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How has COVID changed or impacted your vision/strategy?

The bulk of my sales used to come from in-person sales and shows, so COVID initially felt insurmountable to me. When it became clear that the pandemic would be a marathon and not a sprint, I knew I would need to adjust my business strategy. I started to focus more on my social media channels and my photography skills. I invested in a small light box and downloaded a free photo editing app and taught myself to use it. This was truly a game changer for me, since I was able to get quality photos of new pieces and list new items in my Etsy shop more quickly. Quality photos have also allowed me to make my social media posts more appealing. I’ve also found that I really enjoy the artistic challenge of capturing a beautiful photo, which is an added bonus!


What is something that has helped you get through during this global pandemic? Something encouraging or positive?

Seeing the way so many craft show organizers pivoted to online shows in order to support handmade makers was really encouraging. It helped my business stay afloat during 2020, and I’m immensely grateful. I’ve also really valued the ability to work from home and the quality time I’ve had with my husband and pets throughout this year.

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If you had one (or several) things to share with a woman entrepreneur, what would it be? What would you encourage them about?

Do your research before you get started! As an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to rush into launching your business because you are so passionate, but make sure you have a solid business plan – it will help things go smoothly in the long run if you have a comprehensive plan!


What is a lesson learned for being a woman entrepreneur that you wish someone had told you when you first started?

Surround yourself with a supportive community. I was fortunate to have family and friends encouraging me from the beginning, but over the past 2 years I’ve really benefitted from building relationships with other handmade business owners. We are able to network, offer support, bounce ideas off each other, and encourage one another because we are in similar fields, which has been so valuable!


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Fun question – if you could meet one person in history or present, who would it be and why?

This is incredibly hard to answer, but I’d really love to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda – his music, creativity, and positivity are such an inspiration to me!


What is your dream for BlanchardBeauties to be (where do you see Blanchard Beauties in 5+ years)?

BlanchardBeauties started as a side gig (Etsy shop only) and over the past 3 years has evolved into more of a part-time job (depending on the season, I spend anywhere from 5-30 hours a week on it). That evolution alone is very exciting for me. I have a full-time day job that I really enjoy, so my current goal is to continue to grow BlanchardBeauties in a sustainable way –  like expanding to wholesaling and having my items available through some local shops/boutiques as well as increasing my Etsy traffic.


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Thank you for joining us on this interview with Blanchard Beauties and thank you Maddie for the interview! We’d love to see what you have gotten from Maddie and where you’ve worn her beautiful pieces! Comment below or tag us on social media and we’ll share :)

Do you have a creative entrepreneur you’d recommend to be interviewed or highlighted? We’d love to hear from you! Email us or comment below and thank you! Take care my friend and have a wonderful and safe day!